Covid Guidelines Update
If you have any symptoms of Covid or any illness, or you have been exposed to Covid, even without symptoms, in the past 10 days, please, for the safety of the congregation, stay home and join us on You Tube.
Santa Clara County Covid Health Guidelines
While Beth David does not require the wearing of masks, we do provide KN95 masks for your use. Additionally, while you may sit anywhere during services, we do have a mask only section.
Women’s Shabbat (Sanctuary/Youtube)
Saturday, January 25, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
A Building Community Event SEE ALL
Honoring Eleanor Dickman
Let’s come together once again and celebrate “Am Yisrael Chai”. We will be honoring Eleanor Dickman who contributed her words of wisdom to so many Women’s Shabbats and who passed away this year. All are welcome to Attend. Bring your children/grandchildren! If you cannot attend in person, please Watch on YouTube.
As part of our theme Building Community around the Beth David table and our cookbook, B’Tayavon, bring your best Dairy, Pareve, or Gluten Free cookies for our bakeoff following Women’s Shabbat. The winning recipes will be included in the upcoming Beth David cookbook, B’Tayavon! Bakers should prepare 3 dozen cookies, which must be pre-plattered and clearly marked with the name of the baker, the category, and the name of your cookie. Cookies must be delivered to the synagogue by 3pm on Friday, Jan 24th. All bakers must be registered in advance, so sign up now!
Youth Congregation (Beit T’Fillah)
Saturday, January 25, 9:45 – 11:00 a.m.
With Rabbi Roller
An interactive Shabbat service experience specifically targeted for our 1st – 5th grade students. Youth participate in traditional prayer, Torah readings, games and discussions inspired both by the weekly Torah portion and current events. Adults/parents welcome.
Tot Shabbat (Beit T’Fillah)
Saturday, January 25, 11:15 – 11:45 a.m.
With Rabbi Roller
This is a relaxing, lighthearted, interactive, Shabbat program for tots and their families. Join Rabbi Roller for singing, stories, movement and more!
Kiddush Lunch (Social Hall/Sukkah Patio)
Saturday, January 25, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
All are welcome to join us for Kiddush lunch following services.
Join us for taste testing cookies after lunch and vote for your favorites!
Did you know we spend over $60,000 a year on kiddush lunches?
Every kiddush lunch served costs us about $18 per person (total cost). Following Shabbat, please help support these lunches by periodically donating to our Kiddush Lunch Fund or consider sponsoring for a special occasion. Go to
We are looking to include as many members of our Beth David family as possible in this wonderful tradition that brings comfort to our mourners and gives each of us a daily opportunity to connect with our soul, our community and our God.
Monday – Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Please register for Zoom. Trouble registering? View our FAQ page
Sunday, 9:30 a.m.
Please register for Zoom. Trouble registering? View our FAQ page