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Zoom Pre-registration FAQ page

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Q: Why are we requiring pre-registration for Zoom events?
A: Due to a Zoom bombing which occurred during Shabbat services on July 29, the decision has been made to no longer provide open Zoom links for our publicized events and meetings.

Q: How do I register for events or services?
A: Follow the links provided in our email blasts or on the Beth David calendar. Each person desiring to log in on their own device must pre-register to receive their unique Zoom link

  • Example of the Zoom pre-registration screen

  • Complete the information; click Register and Join – a confirmation email that contains your unique Zoom link will immediately be sent to your email.

PLEASE KEEP THE LINK! Should you misplace it, simply re-register.

Q: Will I need to pre-register each time?
A: For recurring events such as services, minyan, Talmud and meetings, you only need to register once. For individual events such as an Adult Ed program, yes, pre-registration for each one will be required.

Q: Will I also need to always sign into Zoom?
A: No, additionally signing into Zoom will only be required for services (Shabbat, High Holy Days and Festivals).

Q: How do I sign into Zoom?
A: This may be done ahead of time by launching the Zoom app to your device: or from the confirmation email, click on the Join Meeting button, a dialog box will pop up – click Sign in to Join

  • If you have signed in ahead of time to Zoom, you will be taken directly to the service; if not, you will get the Zoom sign-in screen:

Q: How do I get a Zoom account?
A: At this time, only services (Shabbat, High Holy Days and Festivals) will additionally require signing into Zoom. This may be done ahead of time by going to: and clicking the Sign Up Free button or by clicking the Sign Up button in the lower right corner of the Zoom Sign In screen.

Q: What if I lose the Zoom link?
A: Simply re-register

Q: Does the email used for requesting the Zoom link need to be the same as the email on my Zoom account?
A: No, you may use any email address.

Q: What if I will be using a different device?
A: You may use any device but you must use the unique link sent to you in the Zoom confirmation email.

Q: Who do I call for help if I cannot get in?
A: You may call the office, 408-257-333 and speak with either Jillian or Barbara during regular business hours, Monday thru Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4pm