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About Hazak

Hazak is a vibrant special interest group dedicated to serving the social, intellectual, and religious needs of the Beth David 55+ community. Its goal is to promote Judaism through projects and meaningful experiences in and outside the synagogue. Please join us if you’re 55+ Email

Hazak Chanukah Extravaganza (Social Hall)

Tuesday, December 31, 6:00 – 9:00pm
A delightful evening celebrating the 7th night of Chanukah & Erev New Years, New York Deli Supper, Latkes & Dessert. Enjoy the company of your friends and a delightful movie. Cost is $25.00 per person. RSVP by 12/24 to




Virtual Tour of Renovated Tower of David

Sunday, February 16, 10:30 a.m.
After more than a decade of planning and three years of construction, the final part of the $50 million renovation of the Tower of David in Jerusalem was finished in spring 2024. The new multi-level sunken entrance pavilion is the newest addition to the Old City. Join Hazak for a virtual guided tour led by  a live guide, followed by a question and answer period. The tour is complete with films, experiences, and installations that bring the museum directly to you. Cost $10. RSVP by emailing


