View/Print Bulletin Candle lighting time for Friday, November 30, 2013, 4:34 p.m. Parashat Mikketz Shabbat Hanukkah 27 Kislev, 5774 /…
2013 November
Thursday, Beginning January 16, 2014. 7:30 p.m. Have ever thought about becoming an adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah? Or, if…
View/Print Bulletin Candle lighting time for Friday, November 22, 2013, 4:36 p.m. Parashat Vayeshev 20 Kislev, 5774 / November…
“Glaser touches the Jewish soul with his songs, motivating both children and adults to learn more about their heritage and…
View/Print Bulletin Candle lighting time for Friday, November 8, 2013, 4:46 p.m. Parashat Va-yeitzei 6 Kislev, 5774 / November 9,…