Sunday, October 23rd, 10:00 – 11:30am
Young Families Lulav Shake and Sukkah Snack
Come join Rabbi Ohriner and our Sunday morning family minyan to shake the Lulav and Etrog for the holiday of Sukkot, followed by sukkot activities and a scrumptious build-your-own graham cracker and candy sukkah snack.
Monday, October 24th, 6:00pm
Simchat Torah Young Families Supper & Celebration
Join along with other families with children (0-5 – older siblings welcome) for a yummy spaghetti dinner followed by a special Simchat Torah celebration geared just for the little ones. Following the dinner, Rabbis Ohriner and Alexander will lead us in an abbreviated holiday experience with singing, dancing with flags and mini Torahs.
We invite everyone to stay for our community wide, adult and child friendly, Simchat Torah celebration that immediately follows. RSVP for dinner online or call the office at 408-257-3333 for assistance. Adults and teens $18.00; child 5-12 $10.00; tots free. Deadline is October 19th.
Monday, October 24th, 7:30pm
Erev Simchat Torah Celebration!
The celebration begins with processions around the synagogue where any Jewish adult can carry the Torah. Join us as welcome our new members during the first “hakafa” (procession)! Then continue on in the dancing and the fun!. Do you juggle? Want to wear a boa or a crazy hat? Have streamers or pom poms you want to dance with? All children and teens can join in the Torah processions where congregants will give them a variety of treats as they walk.
Tuesday, October 25th, 9:30am
Simchat Torah Services
Hakafot (dancing with the Torah) for all ages! It’s time to make some joyful noise and dance. Celebrate the giving of the Torah and the value it adds to our lives.