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We have some exciting news to share with you. Our Board of Directors has voted to adopt the new Siddur Lev Shalem for our Shabbat and Festival worship. Our current siddur has served us well but has been out of print for several years which eliminates acquisition of new copies as old ones need replacement. A committee of congregants evaluated two possible replacements and everyone who has seen Siddur Lev Shalem has been enthusiastic about it. You will recognize its format from the Mahzor Lev Shalem which we have been using for several years on the High Holy Days.
Siddur Lev Shalom has many features that distinguish it from our current siddur:
- A beautiful and gender-sensitive translation
- The Amidah has both the traditional and inclusive of the imahot versions on the same page.
- Much more transliteration.
- A beautiful, clear Hebrew font.
- Additional commentary that explains the prayers as well as more readings and meditations which enhance its use for personal kavvanah (understanding and spiritual engagement). Siddur Lev Shalem makes the Shabbat and Festival services more accessible and understandable.
We hope you can help this project by donating books, $45/siddur, to the synagogue for sanctuary and religious school use. Three generous donors have committed funds to match your donations 1:1 up to $8,000. By ordering as a group, we are able to get a reduction from the list price as well as a much more favorable shipping rate per book. For books donated to the synagogue, you may request a book plate inscription in honor of special people or events in your life, to celebrate a simcha, in memory of a loved one, or even as a gift (think Chanukah.) You may also order books for your home use at the special pricing by ordering now. If you order as a Chanukah gift, we can give you a card which you may send to the honoree informing them of your gift. The price for a new sidduralso covers the cost for the synagogue to ritually bury an old siddur so you may return old siddurim to the office when you pick up your new books. Please respond by December 9th because we will place our order shortly thereafter. We hope you are as excited about the new siddur as we are!
Rabbi Jaymee Alpert Elizabeth Menkin, President