Membership Outreach During Our Continued Quarantine
Dear Congregants,
Who would have thought that we’d be Sheltering in Place for over 11 weeks back during Purim when this COVID-19 pandemic started to escalate? I’m happy to report that for the most part, our members have done remarkably well staying home, figuring out how to do online shopping, and learning how to navigate staying connected by using Zoom!
Over the last several weeks since we’ve been stuck in our homes and separated from our friends and family, we’ve had many members volunteer to make calls to reach as much of the congregation as possible. Kol Hakavod to all these wonderful volunteers (over 25 people!) for taking time to touch base, check in with members, see if anyone needed assistance with meals or food shopping, and in general just offering a friendly voice to stay connected. These calls happened on a regular basis and the feedback I’ve received has been so overwhelming with gratitude and praise for the volunteers and to Beth David for reaching out and showing their heartfelt concern.
I want to take a moment to personally THANK each and every CBD VOLUNTEER who made multiple calls over the last few months!! Thanks also to all our members who have stayed connected by attending ZOOM services, ZOOM happy hours, and ZOOM lectures. It looks like these will continue throughout the summer months. We would rather ensure the health and safety of our members than to risk reopening prematurely. [At this time, we don’t know when we will reopen the building or if there will be limits to the number of people allowed in at one time, so stay tuned.]
Please continue social distancing, remember to wear your masks when in public, wash hands often and Zoom into some of the wonderful social hours and services hosted by our Congregational leadership and staff. We will get through this pandemic with a stronger resolve to stay connected and have already been empowered to make Congregation Beth David stronger and more resilient to handle any crisis!
Nathan Handelsman
VP Membership