Adult Torah Readers’ Club
Join the adult Torah Readers’ Club! Read Torah at Congregation Beth David three times and receive a special pin, presented to you at your third reading.
Learn Torah Trope in your own Hevruta!
Learn the symbols, the key to unlock the trope system. Then learn the niggun (melody) for each symbol for Torah trope. Finally, practice applying your knowledge to actual Torah readings! Organize a group of three students or more, and arrange six 1-hour lessons with the teacher at a mutually agreeable time. For more information, contact the Beth David office at 408-257-3333 or contact the adult education committee for more information.
Yo’etz Ne’eman Mentoring Program
Need a mentor? If you would like to learn a specific ritual or skill, or just need resources for self-instruction, we can match you with a congregant who can help! See our mentoring request form (in this brochure or online) for learning opportunities about home and holiday rituals, synagogue skills, and life cycle events. Contact the Beth David office at 408-257-3333 or contact the Ritual VP for more information with your request.
Volunteer to be a mentor and share your knowledge with other members of our congregation. Fill out our mentoring skills form (online in the Adult Ed section of the Beth David website) to add your name to our database of congregant skills.