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Sponsor the Purim Shpiel

Sponsor the Purim Shpiel
Deadline to sponsor is 2/11

All are encouraged to attend the annual Purim Shpiel (musical extravaganza) on Monday March 9th. No tickets needed. This year we are producing a Purim Shpiel (musical extravaganza) program to be handed out at the performance. Please consider making a donation for Shpiel production. All sponsors will be listed in the program.

* Shoutout to cast members – 10 word max
(see cast list below)
* Supporter$36.00/Family
* Patron
(includes reserved seating in first few rows

Deadline for inclusion in program is February 11. Donate online or call the office at 408-257-3333. Email Madelyn with questions.

Cast List

Role Actor
Haman of Hearts Marjorie Alpert
Esther Alice Katie Ratermann
Mordechai-te Rabbit David Fishman
Ahash Hatter Sam Saunders
Caterpillar David Paktor
Vashti Cat, 9 of Hearts Alana Goodman
March Hare David Baird
Dormouse Ginny Baird
Knave of Hearts David Osofsky
Ob La Di, Flower Iris Bendahan
Ob La Da, Flower Deborah Shapiro
Walrus Neil Shapiro
Carpenter Sandy Shapiro
Borogove 1, 2 of Hearts Maya Warwick
Borogove 2, 5 of Hearts Kirby Tardos
Special Guest Appearance Barbara Biran