January 5, 2022
Dear Friend,
Beth David’s Reopening Task Force met yesterday for a very difficult meeting to discuss the impact of the new COVID surge on our current day-to-day operations. We all came to the meeting with heavy hearts and mixed feelings. We shared with each other our dismay at the increasing COVID case and hospitalization numbers and our personal desires to not want to make changes to our current programming and schedule of services. However, after considering the facts and our sense of responsibility to our community, we decided that it is clearly time to pivot…again.
Effective immediately and throughout the month of January, almost all programming and services will be held virtually (on Zoom), while some programs will be postponed until we can safely meet in person. The Task Force will meet again on January 25 to determine the plan as of February 1. You can expect another communication on this topic toward the end of January.
Here are the specific changes you will see:
- All programming that was scheduled to be indoors at Beth David will now be held virtually. This includes all meetings, classes, Book Group, and the Library Committee.
- All Shabbat services will be held virtually (on Zoom and YouTube), beginning this Shabbat, January 8.
- All Religious School activities will be held virtually. This includes Camp Beth David on January 9 and 23. Families in the religious school will be receiving a separate communication with more details.
- The office will still be staffed to perform essential functions, with just one person in the office at a time. The office is not open for drop-in visits.
- Outdoor gatherings may occur provided they are approved by the Event Review Work Group. For approved outdoor events, all attendees must wear well-fitted masks and show proof of vaccination. No food will be served. You may request approval for an outdoor event through the process found here – https://beth-david.org/events-and-meetings/.
We are proud of how far we have come in terms of activity and participation since we began reopening the building. We cannot state emphatically enough how disappointed we are about needing to take these actions, however this is temporary, and we look forward to gathering in person and indoors again soon. We ask for your patience and support during this difficult time, and we wish good health to all.
Rabbi Jaymee Alpert
Rabbi Nathan Roller
Wendy J. Glasser
Margie Pomerantz