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Parashat Ha’Azinu

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Candle lighting time for Friday, September 6, 2013, 7:12 p.m.

Parashat Ha’Azinu

3 Tishrei, 5774/September 7, 2013
Triennial Cycle Year III: Deuteronomy 32:1-52
Humash Etz Hayim, page 1185
Haftarah: Hosea 14:2-10; Joel 2:15-27, p. 1234

We follow the custom of adding the verses from Joel to the central text from Hosea. This, explains Rabbi Isaac Klein, is based on the idea that the Haftarah should relate to the Torah reading. In Haazinu, we read, “Let my discourse come down as the rain,” which connects to the passage in Joel: “He makes the rain fall.”

The Song of Moses

1. (32:1-3) Invitation to heaven and earth to pay attention as the poet declares God’s qualities.
2. (4-18) History of God’s relations with Israel.
3. (19-42) God’s decisions: to punish Israel, but also to limit Israel’s punishment and punish the enemy.
4. (43) Coda: Celebration of God’s deliverance of Israel.
5. (44-47) The song is read to the people and they are warned to take it to heart.
6. (48-52) Moses is told to ascend Mt. Nevo, from which he will view the land of Canaan and die.



Our Sacred Calling:
Some Thoughts on Navigating the Days of Awe

Rabbi Philip Ohriner
based on the writings of Rabbi Shai Held

Joel 3:3-5
Before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood. But everyone who calls upon (yikra) the name of the Lord shall be saved; for there shall be a remnant on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, as the Lord promised.

Sifre Deuteronomy, Parashat Eikev, Piska 49
To walk in God’s ways (Deut. 11:22): These are the ways of God: “The Lord! the Lord! a God compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness…(Ex. 34:6)”. And it says in the book of Joel “But everyone who is called (yikareh) the name of ‘the Lord’ shall be saved (Joel 3:5)”. But how is it possible for anyone to be called the name of God (the Lord)?! “Rather, as God is called merciful, so should you be merciful… as the Blessed Holy One is called compassionate, so should you be compassionate…  As God is called righteous… so you too should be righteous.  As God is called loving, so too should you be loving…”

Eliezer Berkovits, Prayer, p.81
Our Sages wanted to tell us that only one who is called by the name of God has the right to call upon the name of God . In other words, the only person who may truly pray for God’s kindness is one who is himself known for kindness. Only someone who embodies generosity has the right to ask the same from God. In order to receive kindness from God, we have first to embody it.

Rabbi Shai Held, Being the Hesed We Pray For
The need to embody the kindness we ask for is not merely a normative obligation—though it is surely also that. It is also a simple psychological reality: unless we open our hearts in love and mercy and compassion, we will be unable to receive the love, mercy, and compassion God (or anyone else, for that matter) sends our way. A closed heart cannot receive any more than it can give. Or, to put it more positively, a heart truly open to receiving (as opposed to just taking) is also open to giving. And the process of giving itself has the potential to open us to the possibility of receiving. What we will ask for in the coming days is love, and forbearance, and forgiveness, and compassion; to be embraced and cared for in our own fragility and vulnerability. In order to receive those blessings, we have also to manifest them in the world. The processes of opening our hearts to God and opening them to each other are totally and necessarily entwined.


Project Isaiah High Holy Days Food Drive

CBD Photo Directories are in – expanded pick up times!

High Holy Days Information

Jewish Youth Education

Candle Fundraiser

Mitzvah a Month

JFS Food Drive

Minyan – Sunday 9:30 am & Monday – Thursday 7:00 p.m.


View High Holy Days Service Times


Sunday, September 8: Sukkah Building – 9:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 8: Back to School Event – 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, September 10: An Evening of Israeli Music with Cantor Andres Levy – 7:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Friday, September 14: High Holy Days Study Sessions – 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 15: Congregational Information Meeting – 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 15: Sukkah Decorating Event – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Friday, September 20: Shabbat Sukkah Supper – 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 21: Kid’s Sukkah Slumber Party – begins at 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 22: Pizza and Prizes Party – 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.

Monday, September 23: Does God Exist? It’s Not a True-False Question. It’s Multiple Choice! – 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.


Monday, September 9: Sounding the Shofar at Stanford University – 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 15: – Habitat for Jewmanity – volunteer to help build Sukkahs for those who can’t build their own

Saturday, September 21: Singles Sukkarama – for 40 -70 – 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 13: A Retrospective on Jewish Entertainers – 10:30 a.m.

Trip to Israel