Mental Health 101 for Faith Communities
presented by NAMI
Wednesday, February 10, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
In this past year of separation, anxiety and stress for our world, we have seen how shifts in our access to healthy outlets such as worship, family, and loved ones have affected us all. As we continue to strive to be communities of inclusion and welcome, and as we seek to be places of healing, support and hope, your RSCP leadership team and our local NAMI chapter will be offering a mental health 101 course. The presentation is made possible through an Innovation Grant to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) in order to help educate faith communities on mental health.
The goals of this virtual class will be to offer a basic overview of mental health issues, provide tips for how we can recognize and help those in acute need, and offer a place for us to have time to ask questions of mental health professionals. For all of us who have mental health issues or care for someone who does, it can be isolating or difficult because of the stigma and judgment others often hold, and/or if we lack the knowledge and access to mental health professionals.
We hope that this 1.5-2 hour presentation will be part of a continued dialogue for us as all, help give us tools to recognize and help care for our loved ones and communities, and will continue to help us be safe and welcoming to all.
If you would like to submit questions for the Q andA time in advance of our time together, please email by February 7th.
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