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Community Mitzvah Day

Community Mitzvah Day

Sunday, February 5,  3:30 –  5:00pm

Join members of the community and participate in various social action projects at Beth David at our annual Mitzvah Day.

This year’s community service projects include:

  • Assembling hygiene kits
  • Crafting blankets
  • Coin Drive – Proceeds will go to the IDF Purim project and to Safe Park program.


Register to participate in Mitzvah Day activities 
Guests register here Beth David Members register here

Volunteer at Mitzvah Day
(e.g. set up, helping run a station, directing flow, clean up), please email

Please help support our efforts.
Your financial donations helps fund these projects enabling families, neighbors and friends to work together to help those in need in our community, while teaching our kids the importance of giving the gift of time to others. The fruits of our combined labor will all go to local shelters.

Please donate via SignUpGenius or direct donations to the Beth David donation portal (please select “Mitzvah Day” from the drop down menu.)

Working together as a Community to assist each other in times of need
teaches our youth the importance of giving back.