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Hillel Shabbat Dinner

We are looking for generous hosts and hostesses to gather a group of 6-7 friends and acquaintances to provide a Shabbat dinner for students at Hillel. 

The words, “now is more important than ever before” ring hollow sometimes, but this year they hold true – with all the antisemitism we read about (and maybe experience ourselves), we need to provide these students with a safe place to gather and cement their Jewish identities.  Let’s ensure that Friday nights are such a place at San Jose State, Santa Clara University, and for students at West Valley, DeAnza and Foothill colleges.

Please sign-up to host a Hillel Shabbat dinner.
Please email a date(see dates below) with your/your co-hosts’ names, cell # and email address to so we can schedule you or your group.  Sign up  individually and we’ll put together a group.  Remember, this program is a community effort.

Following are available Friday dates:

  1. April 3
  2. May 2

You or your group can also support this program by donating funds.
If you or your group would like to donate funds, please send a check made out to Congregation Beth David and put “Hillel Shabbat Dinners” on the “Comments” line.  Send the check to Monica at Congregation Beth David, 19700 Prospect Rd, Saratoga 95070. If you are a Beth David member and want to put it onto your credit card, please call Monica at 408-366-9108.