Hiking the Israel National Trail: A Talk and Slide Presentation
with Michal Strutin
Sunday, January 21, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Please join us for a slideshow journey of the Israel Trail, presented by Michal Strutin who, along with two dozen other participants toured Israel in the spring of 2023 with Via Sabra Israel Tours hiking the best sites of the 637-mile National Israel Trail. In addition to to their hiking adventure, good food and camaraderie, they met Israeli citizens from all over: Druze chefs, Bedouin trackers, Ethiopian émigrés. This morning’s slideshow features spectacular photos from the Israel Trail, from the heights of Mount Meron overlooking the Hula Valley in the north, to soaring bell caves in central Israel, sinuous canyons in the Negev’s Maktesh Ramon to the Eilat Mountains and Red Sea in the south. Thank you to Rick Tavan for this photo.