A Big Gay Hanukkah Party! (Offsite)
Saturday, December 9, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Latkes, dreidels, singing, games, and more! A flaming good time for people of all ages, all genders, and all backgrounds. At the Billy deFrank LGBTQ Community Center in San Jose, an informal, accessible space with free parking! Bring friends and family, or come on your own and meet new folks! $18 per person, buy tickets here .
Saratoga Celebration of Light (Offsite)
Saturday, December 9, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Blaney Plaza – Intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road & Saratoga Avenue
Join the Saratoga Ministerial Association to build community and celebrate the diversity of Saratoga with light—a symbol of hope, joy, and faith across cultures. More info
Sunday, December 10, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
With Rabbi Roller
Celebrate Hanukkah with us! Connect with our tradition and each other through games, music, art and food! Open to the community!
Santana Row Grand Menorah Lighting & Concert
Sunday, December 10, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Join a Hanukkah Celebration at Santana Row in Park Valencia.
Large Menorah lighting and live concert with incredible local Israeli Band! Saxophonist Izik Lerner, Vocalist Amit Gilad, Moshiko Fogel on the drums and Tal Vaisman on the Guitar. Children activities: Dreidel moon bounce, Gelt drop, and Chanukah crafts. Coffee, Doughnuts, latkes. Get your tickets at: https://bit.ly/hanukahsantanarow. Police and private security will be present.

Hazak hanukkah Extravaganza (Social Hall)
Sunday, December 10, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
A delightful evening celebrating the 4th night of Hanukkah. Dine on New York deli supper, latkes & dessert. Enjoy the company of your friends and a delightful movie! Please RSVP

Vodka, Latkes and Poker (Conference Room)
Tuesday, December 12, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
All are welcome. From 6-7 enjoy latkes and a sip of vodka (or wine) sponsored by Men’s Club. (Suggested donation of $15.) Afterwards from 7:30-9, we will play poker (all buy-ins of $20 cover refreshments and will be donated to Men’s Club). Please RSVP by December 10.
Hanukkah: Kindling Light in Darkness (online)
Tuesday, December 12, 12:00 · 2:00 p.m.
Join us for an inspiring program in these darkest times when we are in need of light. Together, we will explore how kindling the Hanukkah lights can strengthen us. Through stories, teachings, songs, and even humor, let us experience the power of Hanukkah to inspire hope and healing. Led by: Rabbi Daniel Isaacson, Director of JFCS’ Spiritual Care Services and Chaplain Bruce Feldstein, MD, BCC, Director of JFCS’ Jewish Chaplaincy Services serving Stanford Medicine. Sign up View Flyer

Beth David Women Annual hanukkah Luncheon (Social Hall)
Thursday, December 14, 11:30 a.m.- 2:00 (ish) p.m.
Please join for our festive holiday luncheon. Couvert will be $25 and, in light of the giving season, we are requesting a gift card of a minimum $10 that will be given to a local non-profit to be gifted to a needy person. Bring the gift card with you to the luncheon. If you can’t join us in person, consider a donation of $10 or the value of the couvert that will be passed on with the other gift cards. Thanks to Rabbi Kunin for already committing to join us for prayers, songs and conversation. More thanks to the committee making the plans for the occasion. Here is the Sign Up to register: 2023 BDW Hanukkah Lunch. (If you have already sent a check to Ruth, please complete the Sign Up Genius RSVP and comment that the check has been sent.)
Hanukkah on Main Street (Offsite)
Thursday, December 14, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Los Gatos Civic Center Front Lawn, 110 E Main St, Los Gatos
Join Jewish Silicon Valley and the APJCC for a special Hanukkah celebration. FREE and open to the public. No registration required.