12/20/2024 What is Hanukkah 12/13/2024 VaYishlach 11/29/2024 There are Seven Gods in Every Grain of Rice 11/22/2024 Giving Thanks 11/8/2024 Lech L’cha – Thoughts on our Ancestors 10/11/2024 Yom Kippur and the Yayoi Sai Matsuri, reminders of Interconnectedness 9/27/2024 -Parshat Nitzavim: Live in the Present 9/202024 -Ki Tavo – Whose World is it Anyway? 9/13/2024 – KI TETZE – LEARNING FROM OUR MISTAKES 8/30/2024 –Parshat Re’eh: Shamor V’Shamata, Be Ready to Listen 8/24/2024 –Ekev, the Heel is the Foundation of the Human 8/16/2024 – Parshat V’etchanan, One of My Favorites 7/26/2024 – A Visit to Timika and Its Thriving Jewish Community 7/12/2024 – Welcoming The Torah – The Bride 6/28/2024 – Off to Indonesia 6/14/2024 – Naso – Filling Ourselves with Blessings 5/31/2024 –Walking with God – Living in Relationship with the Divine 5/17/2024 Parshat Emor – Hope and Obligations for the Future 5/11-2024 L’eylah L’eylah – Moving Higher and Higher Though Holiness 3/302024 Tzav: Finding meaning in the Fire 3/15/2024 CREATING A SPACE FOR HOLINESS IN OUR LIVES 3/8/2024 The Secret is Not to Fear 2/16/2024 Parshat Terumah – Make Yourself a Sanctuary 2/9/2024 Mishpatim: Miztvot Given for the Past, Present and Future 1/27/2024 Dancing Before God 1/20/2024 THOUGHTS ON PARSHAT BO: LEARNING FROM THE PAST 1/13/2024 Freedom is Just Another Word